Tuesday, June 10, 2014

No winner??

Well, that went over like a lead balloon. No one wanted to win, so I guess I'll post them in my Etsy store.
Because this blog has 50 posts already and this being 51, and I have no comments or followers participating in this, I will not be posting to this particular blog anymore. I will be revamping my doll blog, and focusing on that one more. Maybe if things go well with that one, I'll start up another crafting blog.
Thanks for reading, to those that have.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Give Away!!!!

Hey folks,
Sorry it's taken me so long. I have a GIVEAWAY!!!!! Here's what I want.. If you want these cute wash cloths, I need you to tell me something that you've given as a gift that you made, or that someone has made for you as a gift. I will draw numbers out of a bowl, the old school way, and pick a winner that way. I will then contact you via email and get your information to send the washcloths to you! You will have to follow my blog and add me to your circle. I will then be able to contact you. Thanks everyone!!!

P.S. There will only be ONE winner for this contest. There will be another contest next month. All entries must be entered by 6/10/2014. Winner will be announced 6/11/2014.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Crocheting in the sun

Hi folks,
Today, I'm crocheting with some yarn that was given to me by Paul's mother. She goes to Goodwill and yard sales, and when she see's it, she buys it for me. So does her cousin. Very nice and considerate of them. So I was thinking about how they give me yarn. I would like to give one of you something.
So here's what I want. I want my blog to get at least a few people that reply and comment and share on here. I would love to actually have some feedback. So, I figure the only way to get people's attention is to give something away.

Within the next few days, I will be done working on these face wash cloths, and then I'll be making new ones. I have a few cute ideas for the one's I'm working on now. I will not be telling what that is, because I want that to be a surprise. I also want to leave you hanging by a thread. The day I finish these, I will post that they're done. Here's what I want you to do, if you want to get a set of face wash cloths for free. I want you to post in the comment section something that you've made for someone, or someone has made for you as a gift. It doesn't have to have a certain theme, or anything to that. Just something handmade that you gave or received as a gift. If there's more than one entry, I'll pick a winner using the number in the hat drawing method.

If you have any friends that craft, share this with them. I'd love to have more than one entry on drawing day!!!! Let's make this fun, folks!!!! Let's have some fun!!! If this goes well, maybe then I can get the swap going!

Stay tuned and share!!! SHARE SHARE SHARE!!!!! Remember, Just a few days and I'll be posting that these are done!!! Then someone will win a set of handmade face wash cloths!!!

Until next time,

Friday, May 23, 2014

Let's do a SWAP!!!!

Mornin' folks! Today is a grocery day and I'm up and at it earlier than normal. So my brain usually isn't in full function mode until around 9am. But this morning, I had got up, hopped in the shower and got dressed and I'm ready to go. I'm sitting here, wondering what I could do to get this blog hoppin'. I have an IDEA! I want to put together a wash cloth swap. Now, there's obviously going to be problems doing so, if I can't get anyone to swap with me.

Here's what I'm thinking. Make a set of three face wash cloths. Package them up nicely, maybe even put a bow on them, and swap those with someone else who has made face wash cloths. Maybe if this thing get's kicked off on the right foot, we can do one a month. Heck, two a month! I think it's a great way for me to get to know you just a tiny bit, since I have no idea who actually reads this blog. I love crocheting and would love to see what someone else comes up with as far as something so simple as face wash cloths.

So, here's the big question... Is there anyone out there that may want to participate? I plan on making a few sets of face wash cloths and posting them on eBay soon. But I think this could be fun, and a great way to meet some people around the country.

If you happen to think this could be a good idea, and want to participate, just comment below. Share this post to get more people in on it! The more people that get in on this, the more we could all get out craft out there.

Until next time,

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Some Ebay and Gardening!

Hey folks!
I have a couple items posted on eBay. I'm trying out the ol' eBay thing, because apparently I haven't been able to get my stuff out there on Etsy enough. Sharing my stuff on Twitter and Tumblr only gets me veiws with Etsy. Maybe someone will start buying if it's posted on eBay.  There are two of the dream catchers on there. If you have any questions, just ask. We'll answer you as soon as we can. Also, if you have anything you want me to make, that's similar to them, I'd be more than happy to do my best to accommodate your request. I have plenty of supplies and time.
How is your Spring going so far? I've been doing plenty of yard work and planting. I love digging in the dirt and watching things grow and bloom and turn into beautiful plants. I have some poppies planted right up front. I have to say, they're my favorites right now. The red ones are astonishing and the pink and orange ones are just so pretty. I'm excited about the peonies I have planted. I can't wait for them to bloom. I also planted some dahlias. They're doing great and completely loaded down with blooms. Everything's looking lovely! I have a garden of sunflowers next to the house, and they're just little babies right now. As soon as they bloom, I'll post pictures. Sunflowers are special to me and I absolutely love them. My daddy and I used to plant them together and watch them grow into these huge yellow flowers, and eat the seeds! I'm missing my daddy a whole lot with all the gardening I've been doing. We always had a garden. It keeps me feeling close to him.
If you have any gardening going on, crafting or anything of the like, I'd love to hear about it!! Share your pictures and advice!!!
Until next time,
Tonya @Woollyghoulie
Follow me on Twitter @Woollyghoulie!!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Buttons Galore!!

I have recently purchased a BUNCH of buttons. Here's a look see:
The reason for this is... A button purse!!! I made my mom one a few years ago and it turned out awesome. She made it a bit smaller than I did, because it was so heavy, but she still uses it. She's gotten a lot of compliments on it over the years, and she loves it. I sewed every button on, and I'd be willing to bet that it was well over 1,000. just buttons. I also added beads to fill in the spaces that the buttons left open. I didn't just do this once, I messed the first purse up sp bad, i had to take it all apart, every button and bead, and redo it all within two days. I did it though! My fingers were hurting so bad that I didn't want to see another button until now. So I think it's time. I'll be looking for some good sturdy material to make it with, and then I'll be on my way!!! I'll be posting to sell it once it's done. I probably will NOT use all of these buttons. The majority, yes, but not all. I have a bunch of very pretty buttons that I'd like to see on other things. But we'll see. So I'll have to keep you updated on this project! I'll give a tutorial also. :) Maybe it'll inspire someone else to make something so painful and pretty!
Until next time,
Tonya@ Woollyghoulie

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sublime Stitching

Hello there!
Today I'm blogging about hand stitching. I absolutely LOVE it. I'm still not very great at it, but it's something I'll have to practice more at. That means, I'll have more stuff to decorate my walls with!! I'm excited about that! We don't really have much on our walls, and I'd love to have them almost covered.
So I do have one finished project I was able to get a picture of. It's the white rabbit from Bad Birds blog. It's a free pattern and they're great for taking them and changing them just a tad. Here's what I came up with
Now, I didn't change the pattern a lot, just a little.

So, I got some books with patterns for hand stitching. Here's a great site for pretty much everything you need to start and finish your hand stitching projects. Plus there's so much free info on their, it's really worth checking out. Here you go, Sublime Stitching. There's really so much cool stuff there. It really makes you feel comfortable about starting a new craft. So if you're not into hand stitching because it's never been something you tried, just give it a shot. You don't know how awesome you'll be at it, if you don't try it, at least once. At best, you have an awesome piece to give as a gift, frame for yourself, or sell. At worst, you have something you tried and found out if you liked it or not. I hope you enjoy yourself with any project you try. So, I encourage anyone that happens upon this blog, to try something new! Share your progress or your issues with it!! There's bound to be someone that can help you! And if you're not a skin, we can't help.

Until next time,
Tonya @Woollyghoulie

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hand Stitchery

I've been getting back into hand embroidery the last couple of days. I found a blog, BadBirds, and there's a bunch of cute and free patterns. I fell in love with the rabbit patterns. They're adorable, kinda creepy and simple. Perfect for me, because I'm not very good at the stitching thing just yet. I really enjoy it, it's relaxing, and you can pretty much stitch whatever it is that you want. I've just been stitching for my personal use  because, like I said, they're not very good. I'll have a couple samples of my work here in a couple days. I have ordered some books, to help me out with the details. They have patterns and tips and tricks! I'll be posting about them too. I'm really excited about those books. I do have a couple other books on hand embroidery and cross stitch, I'll dig those out and share them with you also. There's a bunch of cool cross stitch patterns that are more modern and creepy. I'm really excited about that! I can't to get some patterns stitched up, and even start making my own!

On another note, I will be crocheting some wash cloths, face wash cloths and dish cloths soon, and posting them with the stitches I use. I can tell you this, they'll be simple, cute and cotton. I think that cotton is best for wash cloths.

So there's some things to be looking for from yours truly!
Until next time,

Monday, March 31, 2014

Crochet with Color

I got a new book today! It's called Crochet With Color ,25 Contemporary Projects for the Yarn Lover by Kazuko Ryokai.
I LOVE this book! It's full of info on how to read charts, not just written out patterns. There's pictures and very detailed instructions for every pattern. There's cute pictures of this adorable little girl wearing her crocheted accessories and loads of other colorful pictures.
I got this from Amazon.com and I ordered it used, from someone with great feedback. If you're crafting on a budget, I suggest doing that. Used is just as good as new, as long as you do your research on who you're buying from. Just read the feedback.

I also found this from Urban Threads
It's an embroidery pattern that I think is probably the coolest one I've ever seen. I plan on ordering this and getting it done sometime this spring. I love doing hand embroidery, even though I haven't mastered it yet. It still turns out pretty neat. It's a lot of fun when you wing it, but I like to work with patterns, because I'm not very good at drawing my own designs. There's a butt ton of sites out there to help you learn the stitches and knots and how to get started and what you need. There's probably videos on YouTube also. Just check it out, start out small and give it a go. What's the worst that can happen? Yarn poke your finger or you just don't like it. You won't know until you give it a chance. Who knows, it might be your calling. Just try new things and enjoy yourself!!
Until next time,
Tonya @Woollyghoulie
(Follow me on Twitter!!!!)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Granny Square-O-Rama!!!

Granny Squares are an easy crochet pattern for anyone with some yarn and a hook. I like them because I can knock them out in hardly any time and use whatever color scheme I want. I can keep email all the same, or change them up. I can make them as small or as big as I want. I can put them in any pattern I want, it's all up to me. The granny stitch is pretty versatile on its own. You don't have to keep it square. Make as many corners as you can, or keep it round. Use different yarns for different textures, just as any other stitch.
The squares I've got here, are for a blanket I'm making for our bed. It's going to be very vivid and bright and awesome.
I've been using Schachenmayr Original Bravo yarn for this project. The same yarn I use  to make the perfect triangle scarf I posted about before. Same colors too! I love this yarn so much. It's an acrylic DK weight yarn made in bright colors. I order this yarn from Craftsy. It's usually on sale, and I can get it a decent price. They've listed other yarns made by Schachenmayr also.
To make these granny squares, I've been using a size D/3 hook. I really like the stitch tightness with this yarn and hook together. Smaller hook doesn't work out, and neither does a bigger hook. So I suggest using a D Hook with this yarn.
Well, I hope this inspires someone to hook up a neat granny square blanket, top or pillow or something.
Until next time,

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tree Bark Planter

Hi folks!
I've been doing some time outdoors! The weather has been super lovely and bright, permitting some gardening. So my garden is tilled up, ready for some carrot seeds to be stuck into the ground. I have four trays of Zennias, different varieties, started and a tray of different varieties of sunflowers. Once these next few days have gone and passed with the cold weather, I'll be planting my bulbs! I have Double Freesias and Ranunculas to plant in an old rusty wheelbarrow we have. I have more sunflower seeds to plant, but I'll wait until the weather is a little better, that way I have sunflowers all spring and summer. I also have some extra Zennia seeds I'll start in a couple weeks, to give me different stages.

So with all of this dirt playing, I've done some crafting too. Not a bunch yet, with the garden, but there's one neat thing I'd love to share. It's a planter I fashioned together from tree bark and an old plastic pot. We had a log cut up in the back yard for our wood stove, and I used a section of it as a seat. Well, I noticed that the bark had begun to separate from the log. So I got it off in one piece and decided I wanted to do something with it. Paul suggested a planter, and I thought it was perfect. So I took my rotary tool, drilled some holes in it to lace it back together, and shellacked it to preserve the bark and stop any further breaking. Here's my outcome:

It will look much better when I get my plant in there. I'm not sure what I want to plant in it yet, maybe a fern or something else leafy and green. I'll share it once it's full. Also, I realize I did a sloppy job on the lacing, but I was just trying to get it to stay together. It broke off and I had to double lace it. I'll just put it towards the back. 
Well, I hope this got your mind going on how to get crafty in your gardens! Enjoy the weather, and get out of the house!!! 
Until next time,

Thursday, March 20, 2014

New Crochet Book For Me!!!!

Hi folks!
  I received this awesome little gem in the mail about two weeks ago. It's called Mollie Makes Crochet 20+ cute projects for the home plus handy tips and tricks. It's a part of the Mollie Makes line. There are tons of different project books, for different types of crafting. There's a magazine out, mainly in England, I think. I would subscribe, but it's quite expensive being in the good ol' U.S. of A.
I read this book and browsed through the patterns. There are PLENTY of crochet patterns. There's over twenty things for the home to crochet. There's tons of info for the beginner crocheter and even the novice. I've been crocheting since I was a little girl, and this book told me a few thangs!!! There's a bunch of tips and ideas. This book is jammed full of visuals like charts and how to read them and projects that have been captured in a beautiful light. This is a book for the thrifty crocheter and the Hooker that wants a few thrifty looking items in their home to give it more of a comfy feel. I love this book. 

I got it from Amazon, and it was cheaper than the original listed price on the book. It's brand new, no missing pages or food stuck to it, so that's a big plus! 
Some of the patterns have me so excited!! Here's one I can't wait to get started on! 
 Three Russian Dolls!! I love it!! I also love the little stories it gives you do each pattern. Kind of an idea where they creator got the idea. It's inspiring to read about other people coming up with these awesome patterns, and how they did it. 

So I give this book 5 Stars!!! I'd give it more, but Amazon won't let me. This is my new favorite book. I have a bunch of other crochet books I'll share with you at another time. But I highly recommend this book!!!! I might try to get my niece a copy for her birthday. She loves to crochet, but I think she likes videos. We'll see. 
Until next time,

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blankets and Gardening.

Up until a couple days ago, I was crocheting my fingers to the bone! I made my step dad a blanket for his birthday. It was a simple blanket, but it took me an entire week to crochet, at a non stop pace. My hands were so sore, I almost stopped. But, I did finish it, it turned out great, I completely forgot to get pictures of it, but maybe my mom will send me some once they get their camper completed and put the blanket in there. It's a NYJets themed camper, so I made the blanket with that in mind. I do have a small peak at the stitch I used throughout the whole thing.. here, take  look see.
This is actually the backside of it. Ha! I'm sorry, folks. I just took a quick picture to show my mom. Once you look at it from the right side, the white doesn't show so much. I used a mixture of the spike stitch and granny stitch. It will be a VERY warm blanket. But what are blankets for? 
I'm working on my mother's blanket still.. the mixed stitch one from before Christmas. It is taking so long, because  I have had to put it aside to get other things done. And it's going to be huge. She will get it. One day. I promise! 
I have been making some granny squares on the side, for another blanket I'm working on. But it's just when I'm taking breaks from my other projects. 

Aside from crocheting, I did get some seeds started yesterday! Zinnias!!! Giant Zinnias!!!! I'm really excited to see what they're going to be like in the garden this year. I'm going to have plenty of flowers, some veggies and some shrubbery planted this year. We need to get our yard looking like a yard instead of a mud hole. We will be fencing in the back half of the yard for the dog, and I'll have some plants back there, but not too much. Don't want him to shred everything up. 
I have some things I've got to work on, projects to finish, stuff I want to start on, but it's just going to make some time. I hope you all have been doing great, enjoying the warm weather, if you're getting any, and if not, I'm sorry. 
Have a great day!!! 
Until next time,
Tonya @Woollyghoulie

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Simple Ruffle Fingerless Gloves

I have created these cute, simple gloves to sell in my shop.
I added the bow to give them something extra. I made them from Wool Ease by Lionbrand yarn. The cuff, I used the ribbed stitch, you crochet in the back loops only. I then crocheted a ruffle, I just used hdc's, and increased as I went, to create the ruffles. I fastened off, cleaned up the ends, and the attached to the base of the ruffle stitches. I just sc each row until I got the the thumb part, then I just turned at the end of each row and made that big enough for the thumb to fit through. Once I got that part done, I just chained the same amount of stitches that I started with, and continued until I was happy with the length. Then there yarn go. That's the way I made the fingerless gloves. I'm a huge fan of fingerless gloves. I don't wear them very much, because I like my fingers to be warm too. So gloves it is. I will be making some mittens though. I have some yarn I think would make pretty mittens. I'll post those when I'm done. 
I have been trying to get the house organized, so I haven't done much crocheting. I will be getting my hands back in the yarn again tonight. There's a few things I'm working on, but I want to learn some new things. Tapestry crochet is something that's REALLY sparking my interest. I'm wanting to learn Tunisian crochet really well too. I have the idea of it down, but I'm not very good at it. As I understand, it's kind of like knitting. Maybe I'll get better at knitting once I figure it out! Then who knows?! All the yarn in the world won't be enough!!!! Bahahahahahahaha!!!!! 
Alright, until next time,

P.S. don't forget to go check out my other blog, and my etsy shop!!!!! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Here I go again!!!

I started working on the blanket I'm making for my mom. It's my take on little woollies pattern for her mixed stitch blanket. I have taken some of the stitches she used and left some out. I am using worsted weight yarn from redheart. I'm using nine different colors. Here's what it is starting to look like
 The last seven rows were worked last night. I figure if I add at least that much every night, I can get this thing done within the month!!!!! Gosh, I sure hope I get it done before her birthday in September! 
I think my favorite part of this so far is the bobble stitch rows. They take a bit longer for me to crochet, because I'm not used to carrying another color as I go, but it's fun! It's different and I can always go for something different. That is my progress. It's taking me so long because I needed a break. I kept messing up and I was getting VERY frustrated with it. Well, I have it all figured out as far as the stitches I'm using, and now I'm back in action.

I'm working on another blanket, also. But it isn't anything I'm posting yet until I completely finish it, and see how ugly it is before I decide if I'm sharing it or not. See, there was a bunch of ugly yarn I hadn't been using because I couldn't figure out what I could use it for. It's worsted weight, the colors are kinda old looking, like they've been stuck in an attic for years, and kinda itchy.  One day, Paul asked me to make another blanket because the one I made earlier, his toes poke through the holes. Now, this isn't anything you use in bed, it's just something to cover up with on the couch. And he likes his feet covered up, toes too. So I decided I'd take all the yarn I couldn't figure out what to do with, and make an ugly blanket. Turns out, he really likes it so far. He doesn't mind the colors and thinks they go great together. So its working  out just fine. If I like it at the end, I'll post it. =) until then, I need to get back to work.

Until next time,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The finished product

It seems like it took me FOREVER to finish this scarf.

 I really wanted to make it, but I just couldn't get it it in gear. Well, I finished it last night with what looks like a pom pom edge, but it's a cluster stitch. Like I've posted before, I used Cascade Yarns Cherub DK IN natural, silver, ruby and peacock. I ordered my yarns for the last two scarves from Craftsy. They run awesome sales, a lot, so sign up for the newsletters.  The delivery seems to be pretty efficient. I've not had any issues with anything except ordering colors. They don't always have all of the colors listed, so when you find them, make sure you order plenty for your projects. 
Now, I used just a hdc in granny stitch, and I didn't chain one between each set of three hdcs.  I figured that might take care.of my curling in on the ends, but it didn't. I think it's my chain threes. I'll figure it out. Either way, this is absolutely one of my most favorite scarves. If it doesn't sell, I might keep it, or give it as a gift. It's just really pretty and soft. I hope you enjoy it! I'll be getting back to work on the blanket for my Momma, and the blanket for Paul I'm in the middle of. It's not very pretty, but I'll post it when it's done. 
Until next time,

Friday, January 10, 2014

Update on the scarf!

This is the edging I'm using on the latest triangle scarf. I found it on Pinterest. I knew I wanted to use it on something, but couldn't figure out what I wanted use it on. I also couldn't figure out what I wanted  to finish it up with. So, I was looking and looking, going back and forth on what edge I wanted, didn't know If I as going to use an edge, I just wasn't sure. Then I tried it out, kinda liked it, and decided to go with it. =) I'm not finished yet. But as soon as I do, I'll post it. I really like this scarf. It's soft and drapes really well. It's kinda thin, but not too thin. I used Cascade Yarns Cherub Dk yarn. So its still going to be warm, but to too bulky.
I will be getting back to my other projects once this is done, but I do need to be taking some serious etsy time, and post everything I've got to post. It's a lot. I'll post and share when I've done that.
So, have any of you been working on anything crafty this year?? If so, tell me about it and post pictures. I'd love to read about it! Maybe we can work on a washcloth swap or something of that nature.
Until next time,

Thursday, January 2, 2014

My second blog.

I have my second blog set up! It's about my doll collection. Here's a link to it!!!! WoollyGhoulie Collects I hope to feature my collection of dolls and action figures and ones I dont have but really like!!!! I'm sure there are some people that aren't going to dig the whole doll collecting, but that's okay. I don't mind! So go read my blog!! =)
Until next time,

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Its a new year, folks.

I'm not making any resolutions! Nope, because I always break them. It's pointless. So instead, here's what I will do! I will live life to the best o  my ability. I really do need to get off my ads more often. I want a bike! But I'm not counting on it. I will be working on my craft more. I've already said that. And I've been doing that. I'm going to be getting out of my pajamasalmost every day. =)

Here's what I've been working on this week. It's taking me FOREVER. I don't know if it's because I haven't felt good, or because I have a few other things I've been working on. I ordered some yarn for myself for Christmas, from Craftsy. They've had some awesome sales going on. So I've taken advantage of that a couple times. So here's a look-see

I highly recommend this yarn. It's Cascade Yarns in Cherub DK weight. I'm using two natural, two ruby, two silver and one peacock. I LOVE the peacock and wish I had ordered a bunch more. Now it's not available through Craftsy, and I don't really want to pay any more than the sale price. So I'm just using the peacock sparingly through this shawl. I'm obsessed with triangle scarves/shawls. I like that there are so many ways to wear them. So I've made one already. I posted it a couple weeks ago.  Now I'm working on this one. I will probably be selling this in my etsy shop. I've been neglecting it lately, an  I have plenty to post. So one day this coming week will be a complete etsy day. I'll post that when I've done it. Maybe you'll see something in there that you can't live without, or want in different colors or something. I'm willing to work!!!!! Just tell me what you want!!!!

Oh, by the way... I've been collecting Lalaloopsy dolls for a bit now, as I've posted before. And there's so many that I love, and my collection has grown a LOT since October. So I will be starting a new blog about my collection of dolls. It won't be just lalaloopsy dolls. I have a couple of other things I have, and different from th  lalaloopsy dolls. I'll post about that here to. It will include the clothes I'll be making for them, and hopefully selling, and customizations to them and other dolls. I'll take you on the journey that brought me to collecting dolls. So as soon as I get that going, I'll let us know. And even if you aren't into dolls, you can see some of the projects I'll be working on. So I hope you'll read and follow both of my blogs, and shop my etsy shop when I get it all posted!!!!

Until next time,