Saturday, May 3, 2014

Buttons Galore!!

I have recently purchased a BUNCH of buttons. Here's a look see:
The reason for this is... A button purse!!! I made my mom one a few years ago and it turned out awesome. She made it a bit smaller than I did, because it was so heavy, but she still uses it. She's gotten a lot of compliments on it over the years, and she loves it. I sewed every button on, and I'd be willing to bet that it was well over 1,000. just buttons. I also added beads to fill in the spaces that the buttons left open. I didn't just do this once, I messed the first purse up sp bad, i had to take it all apart, every button and bead, and redo it all within two days. I did it though! My fingers were hurting so bad that I didn't want to see another button until now. So I think it's time. I'll be looking for some good sturdy material to make it with, and then I'll be on my way!!! I'll be posting to sell it once it's done. I probably will NOT use all of these buttons. The majority, yes, but not all. I have a bunch of very pretty buttons that I'd like to see on other things. But we'll see. So I'll have to keep you updated on this project! I'll give a tutorial also. :) Maybe it'll inspire someone else to make something so painful and pretty!
Until next time,
Tonya@ Woollyghoulie

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