Friday, May 23, 2014

Let's do a SWAP!!!!

Mornin' folks! Today is a grocery day and I'm up and at it earlier than normal. So my brain usually isn't in full function mode until around 9am. But this morning, I had got up, hopped in the shower and got dressed and I'm ready to go. I'm sitting here, wondering what I could do to get this blog hoppin'. I have an IDEA! I want to put together a wash cloth swap. Now, there's obviously going to be problems doing so, if I can't get anyone to swap with me.

Here's what I'm thinking. Make a set of three face wash cloths. Package them up nicely, maybe even put a bow on them, and swap those with someone else who has made face wash cloths. Maybe if this thing get's kicked off on the right foot, we can do one a month. Heck, two a month! I think it's a great way for me to get to know you just a tiny bit, since I have no idea who actually reads this blog. I love crocheting and would love to see what someone else comes up with as far as something so simple as face wash cloths.

So, here's the big question... Is there anyone out there that may want to participate? I plan on making a few sets of face wash cloths and posting them on eBay soon. But I think this could be fun, and a great way to meet some people around the country.

If you happen to think this could be a good idea, and want to participate, just comment below. Share this post to get more people in on it! The more people that get in on this, the more we could all get out craft out there.

Until next time,

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