Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blankets and Gardening.

Up until a couple days ago, I was crocheting my fingers to the bone! I made my step dad a blanket for his birthday. It was a simple blanket, but it took me an entire week to crochet, at a non stop pace. My hands were so sore, I almost stopped. But, I did finish it, it turned out great, I completely forgot to get pictures of it, but maybe my mom will send me some once they get their camper completed and put the blanket in there. It's a NYJets themed camper, so I made the blanket with that in mind. I do have a small peak at the stitch I used throughout the whole thing.. here, take  look see.
This is actually the backside of it. Ha! I'm sorry, folks. I just took a quick picture to show my mom. Once you look at it from the right side, the white doesn't show so much. I used a mixture of the spike stitch and granny stitch. It will be a VERY warm blanket. But what are blankets for? 
I'm working on my mother's blanket still.. the mixed stitch one from before Christmas. It is taking so long, because  I have had to put it aside to get other things done. And it's going to be huge. She will get it. One day. I promise! 
I have been making some granny squares on the side, for another blanket I'm working on. But it's just when I'm taking breaks from my other projects. 

Aside from crocheting, I did get some seeds started yesterday! Zinnias!!! Giant Zinnias!!!! I'm really excited to see what they're going to be like in the garden this year. I'm going to have plenty of flowers, some veggies and some shrubbery planted this year. We need to get our yard looking like a yard instead of a mud hole. We will be fencing in the back half of the yard for the dog, and I'll have some plants back there, but not too much. Don't want him to shred everything up. 
I have some things I've got to work on, projects to finish, stuff I want to start on, but it's just going to make some time. I hope you all have been doing great, enjoying the warm weather, if you're getting any, and if not, I'm sorry. 
Have a great day!!! 
Until next time,
Tonya @Woollyghoulie

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