Friday, January 10, 2014

Update on the scarf!

This is the edging I'm using on the latest triangle scarf. I found it on Pinterest. I knew I wanted to use it on something, but couldn't figure out what I wanted use it on. I also couldn't figure out what I wanted  to finish it up with. So, I was looking and looking, going back and forth on what edge I wanted, didn't know If I as going to use an edge, I just wasn't sure. Then I tried it out, kinda liked it, and decided to go with it. =) I'm not finished yet. But as soon as I do, I'll post it. I really like this scarf. It's soft and drapes really well. It's kinda thin, but not too thin. I used Cascade Yarns Cherub Dk yarn. So its still going to be warm, but to too bulky.
I will be getting back to my other projects once this is done, but I do need to be taking some serious etsy time, and post everything I've got to post. It's a lot. I'll post and share when I've done that.
So, have any of you been working on anything crafty this year?? If so, tell me about it and post pictures. I'd love to read about it! Maybe we can work on a washcloth swap or something of that nature.
Until next time,

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