Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tree Bark Planter

Hi folks!
I've been doing some time outdoors! The weather has been super lovely and bright, permitting some gardening. So my garden is tilled up, ready for some carrot seeds to be stuck into the ground. I have four trays of Zennias, different varieties, started and a tray of different varieties of sunflowers. Once these next few days have gone and passed with the cold weather, I'll be planting my bulbs! I have Double Freesias and Ranunculas to plant in an old rusty wheelbarrow we have. I have more sunflower seeds to plant, but I'll wait until the weather is a little better, that way I have sunflowers all spring and summer. I also have some extra Zennia seeds I'll start in a couple weeks, to give me different stages.

So with all of this dirt playing, I've done some crafting too. Not a bunch yet, with the garden, but there's one neat thing I'd love to share. It's a planter I fashioned together from tree bark and an old plastic pot. We had a log cut up in the back yard for our wood stove, and I used a section of it as a seat. Well, I noticed that the bark had begun to separate from the log. So I got it off in one piece and decided I wanted to do something with it. Paul suggested a planter, and I thought it was perfect. So I took my rotary tool, drilled some holes in it to lace it back together, and shellacked it to preserve the bark and stop any further breaking. Here's my outcome:

It will look much better when I get my plant in there. I'm not sure what I want to plant in it yet, maybe a fern or something else leafy and green. I'll share it once it's full. Also, I realize I did a sloppy job on the lacing, but I was just trying to get it to stay together. It broke off and I had to double lace it. I'll just put it towards the back. 
Well, I hope this got your mind going on how to get crafty in your gardens! Enjoy the weather, and get out of the house!!! 
Until next time,

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