Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Simple Ruffle Fingerless Gloves

I have created these cute, simple gloves to sell in my shop.
I added the bow to give them something extra. I made them from Wool Ease by Lionbrand yarn. The cuff, I used the ribbed stitch, you crochet in the back loops only. I then crocheted a ruffle, I just used hdc's, and increased as I went, to create the ruffles. I fastened off, cleaned up the ends, and the attached to the base of the ruffle stitches. I just sc each row until I got the the thumb part, then I just turned at the end of each row and made that big enough for the thumb to fit through. Once I got that part done, I just chained the same amount of stitches that I started with, and continued until I was happy with the length. Then there yarn go. That's the way I made the fingerless gloves. I'm a huge fan of fingerless gloves. I don't wear them very much, because I like my fingers to be warm too. So gloves it is. I will be making some mittens though. I have some yarn I think would make pretty mittens. I'll post those when I'm done. 
I have been trying to get the house organized, so I haven't done much crocheting. I will be getting my hands back in the yarn again tonight. There's a few things I'm working on, but I want to learn some new things. Tapestry crochet is something that's REALLY sparking my interest. I'm wanting to learn Tunisian crochet really well too. I have the idea of it down, but I'm not very good at it. As I understand, it's kind of like knitting. Maybe I'll get better at knitting once I figure it out! Then who knows?! All the yarn in the world won't be enough!!!! Bahahahahahahaha!!!!! 
Alright, until next time,

P.S. don't forget to go check out my other blog, and my etsy shop!!!!! 

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