Monday, April 15, 2013

Wooly Ghoulie has arrived.

I doubt that I have immediate followers. But maybe one day I'll have a few. 
My name is Tonya! As of right now I am 29 years old. I have recently opened up a shop on Etsy. The link will be posted at the bottom. I have posted some beaded jewelry and crocheted projects that I have done.
I have created this blog so maybe I could help people with their projects and maybe I could get help with mine!!!
Maybe share ideas, pictures and advice. Info on your areas craft shows or flea-markets. Maybe even sales in local shops or online shops. 
Whatever a blog is, I'd love to do that plus some. =)

my etsy shop is located here


  1. I will follow you because your special.. Your extremely talented..I have alot of your jewelry from yrs ago still that I wear.. Its still holding up fine.. Keep it up..

  2. wont let me follow! I will keep working on it.

  3. I'm still not sure how this works. Lol

  4. I tried too....perhaps it's because Google Reader will be disappearing soon. Hi Tonya!
