Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The perfect scarf!

I found the perfect scarf, folks. It's here
I LOVE the colors and the mixing of different stitches. I don't know what language that's in, or where to find the pattern. I've looked for a few days now. I can't find anything. So I'm going to try to figure it out on my own!!! If anyone can give me some helpful info on some of those stitches, I think it's mostly granny and shell and your basic hdc, dc, sl st and sc. But if you see something I don't, please let me know!! I love this and I need to have it!!! The colors are so pretty and put together so well, and its just perfect for anything I'd wear! I'm working on my mother's Christmas present now, but once I'm done with that, and I get my yarn I ordered from Craftsy.com, I'll be able to get it made!!!! I'm so excited!!

Here's what I might do. I might do a CAL with it! I wonder how many people I can get to participate and post pictures of their progress along with mine. I never have done a CAL before. I'm working the pattern of One now, but it's long done with. I will post that when I'm done =)
Until next time,
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie

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