Monday, December 16, 2013

The Perfect Scarf Kick off!!

Okay, I don't have anyone throwing themselves at the opportunity to join this crochet-a-long I wanted to do. And I might get more people interested in it if I just post what I've gotten done, and a description of how I did it. So here..

Yarn: Schachenmayr SMC Bravo in Natural (2 skeins used for main color, and I have used both skeins, leaving only enough to add some to the fringe I might add at the end)) , Black, Dark Heather Grey, Neon Yellow, Neon Orange, Neon pink, Turquoise and Caledon all one skein each. It's a DK weight yarn.
Hook: G (4.0mm)
Gauge: not important in this pattern.

I'm working with a granny stitch. It's simple, fast and looks good. I started off with a magic ring. I then ch2, and that's going to count as the first dc throughout this whole thing. Then 2 dc in magic ring, ch 2, then 3 dc in magic ring. Then ch 3, work 2 dcs into the same dc that you did the ch3 off of. Ch 1, 3 dc in ch 2 sp, 3 dc in same ch 2 sp, then ch 1, 3dc in top of last dc. Just keep doing that and it will increase as you go. Just remember, when you reach the ch2 space, it's 3dc, ch2, 3dc, ch 1.

After I got finished with the Natural color, I fastened off and did the whole weaving in the ends deal. That way I don't have to worry about it later. But that's completely up to you.
Here's a picture of what I've been doing.

And here's a picture of the yarn I'm using again. I posted this earlier in another  post about this scarf. 
I think my next color will be Caledon. =) 
Until next time,

Update on the scarf! Last night and this morning I have been working more on my scarf. Here's what I've gotten done so far

The first row of color, I just did a sc along the dcs in the granny stitch. In between each set of three dcs, there's a ch space, there I did a dc over to the middle of the previous row. If anyone has questions on that, just ask. It's basically just a spike stitch.  Then I just sc all the way around. In the ch 2 at the center point, just sc, ch 1, sc. The next stitch, I just did a shell stitch. You sc then skip two, then seven dcs in next st, skip two, sc, skip two so on and so forth. All the way. The next row is just seven dcs in each sc. I followed that up with a row of sc. 
That's all folks! I'll update it when I get more done!!!
Until next time, 
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie

Here's more progress. I will finish this up hopefully tomorrow. So here's what I've done since the last update. A row of hdc. Three rows of granny stitch in different colors. Row of sc and spike st. Only thing I changed was I skipped a stitch, so I have 2 scs, and then the dc, instead of the three scs and then dc. Then I did a row ow ch 6, skip next 3 st, sc in next st. Then I did a row of ch 3, sc in 3rd ch sp. Then I did a row of dc in the same color as the last. That's it so far. I'm starting to create a slight ruffle. I don't mind that right now. But I definitely don't want it to get any more ruffled. So I'll be working on that tomorrow. I just need to start counting my stitches. No biggie. I've just been winging it with this project. I have done some looking around on Pinterest, and found a blog on called MyValleyRose. She has a few patterns on there that I love. There's a shawl pattern I fell in love with. She also sells Tilda yarn in her etsy shop of the same name. So you should check it out. =)
Until next time

Today's update! I'm not done yet folks!!!! Here's what I've got done today

Plus solid, after the row of yellow dcs, I did three rows of granny stitching. After that I did a row is black sc, then another spike row with sc. Then I did a row of sc, then hdc in blue. Then a row of clusters with a ch sp in between each one. Then a row of 2 sc in each ch 1 so. Then a row of hdc in black.. that's it so far!!!! 

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