Monday, December 23, 2013

How soon is soon enough?

Really?! I have been working on this project for a good bit now. I've taken it apart and restarted and had to take apart a big section and start on it again. I haven't gained much ground on this. I'll show you what I've been working on... in a bit. I've done sent out my Christmas presents now. So this is something I'm just going to send  to my mother when I'm finished. Like I posted before, I got the original pattern from little woollys blog. It was for the mixed stitched blanket. Well, the Catherine's Wheel has me all kinds of screwed up. I dont know why, maybe because I kept miss counting. I tend to do that when I'm rushing. I got frustrated and decided to eliminate that particular part. Then I said screw it. I'm going to take the stitches in the original pattern, and just mix it up. I'm doing this all mixed up and in no particular order. Don't judge me =p
I'm happy with it so far. Just as long as I can keep it on track with the stitch count. 

ANYWAY!!!!!! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!! 

Until next time,
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie

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