Friday, November 8, 2013

Craft Bazaar!!! I'll be there!!!

Yes, you read the subject line correctly! It's my very first craft show!!! I'm so excited and freaked out! It's a small one, I think. I've not been here in town when there's a craft show going on. I'm crocheting plenty of Christmas stuff, plenty of things that aren't Christmas related, and I'll be making stuff that's not crochet! I hope I have enough to fill up my table and make lots of sales!!! I ordered business cards! I'll be like an official business lady! Aren't you so proud Mom?! I need to really make sure I have a bit of everything I make. Not just crochet stuff. This is the first time people at  going to be able to see a display of my craft! That's like throwing yourself to the wolves! What the Hell am I doing?! Judgment, criticism, rejection and being over looked. Biggest fears. Whoa. I'm scared to death.

So setting up and preparing for a craft show is something I've never done before. I have quite a few items I've made just laying around the house, and put away. But I don't want to just put ANYTHING on my table. I want my best. I've got to make sure  everything is completed and all my ends are weaved in. All my edges are trimmed and all my stuff looks perfect. I understand there's going to be people that aren't going to like my stuff. I get that... but I hope there's more people that love my stuff!!! I need this real break to get this thing going. I hope to make clients and friends. If I come out of this with two sales and have met a bunch of great artists and crafters, then I think I have succeeded. I know not one person here that's not related to my Paul. I love his family, they're amazing people. I'm not complaining. I just don't know anyone else. I'm hoping to find someone that can show me the ropes. If they talk, I listen. I want t know as much as I possibly can!

I know I haven't posted any pictures of the leaves changing.. I'm sorry, but they all fell off before they turned. We had a hard freeze and everything was gone the next day. I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures posted. I'll do better next fall. Hopefully by then, I'll have a really good camera. My kindle doesn't do pictures unless I'm taking pictures.of myself. It's not good for that. So I have to use my phone, and it takes terrible pictures. Anyway.. I have a lot of work to do in 23 days.

Until next time,
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie

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