Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dream Catchers and Tea.

A few months ago I happened upon a picture of a dream catcher. It was made with a doiley and some ribbons and trimmings. I immediately felt like I had to make one. It was going to happen. I just needed to figure it out. So here's what I did. I spent a few weeks searching for a doiley pattern I couldn't live without... didn't find one. So I decided it wasn't going to be made with a doiley. I was going to make it with something else. Like a motif for a sweater or something. I couldn't find one. Then it hit me. I'm going to be crocheting over glass ornaments for the craft show. I found a pattern I kinda liked and wanted to spring off of in my Crochet Today magazine for Nov/Dec. 2013. Tromme Balls I think.very pretty and simple. So I took that pattern, made just the bottom part a LOT bigger using cotton twine. I crocheted around a clothes hanger I formed into a circle and attached the ornament pattern to that. It looks really cool just like that. But I needed to add pretty things to make it complete. I used twine I got from Family Dollar and its beige. So I wanted to keep it kinda vintage looking. Well, I have this huge bag full of old zippers and hem tape and lace and trimmings. Just a bunch of old stuff. And by old I mean from '68-'89. So I cut that stuff into various lengths, added some beads and buttons to the mix and tied it all to the part of the circle that I twisted together. It hides the lumps very nicely. Here's what I need up with.

I hung it up in the kitchen window to get a picture with light, but ridding turn out too well.  Either way, you get the idea. I LOVE my dream catcher. I'm making smaller ones now, different center. I'm aiming to sell them. I'll post them on etsy after Christmas... probably. Any questions, just ask!!!! 
Until next time,
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie

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