Sunday, October 13, 2013

Never finishing... Never Ending...

I ran across some large bobby pins at the store the other day, and some smaller ones.. I have all of these resin flowers, skulls, and body parts laying around, and needing to be done with. So I'm going to be making these cute little hair pins to put in my etsy store. I get accused of starting projects, getting distracted, and never finishing them. Well, I'm going to finish the projects I set out to do in the first place.

I have a couple of jewelry boxes I have been working on.. I'll be finishing them up. I hope. Those will also go in my etsy shop. There's a few wood projects I've started.. there's a few I haven't.. But I need to get them all done. So hopefully by the end of this month, since I'm not planning anything great for Halloween anyway, I can be busy finishing up my projects. =)

Speaking of Halloween. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE  Halloween. It's my favorite. But the last few years, we haven't really had any opportunities to go out and do anything. I don't know many people, don't like parties, and there aren't any concerts I HAVE to see. Actually, I'm sure there are plenty I wouldn't mind missing. I wish I had kids. Kids make Halloween so much better. Take for example my nieces. They are at my mother's house as I'm typing this, working on costumes!! My brother never misses a chance to get his girls to scare the cheap out of their mother. And now he's got our mother in on the whole thing. I miss that. We used to do Halloween together. But I moved, and now I have no one to make costumes with or for or do face paint with. I guess I could paint Paul's face and my own, but that'd be a little weird, sitting at home, watching scary movies with our faces painted. ... or is it? I think I'm face painting anyway! There's so many cool ideas out there, I can't NOT paint our faces. Even if we don't get trick or treaters. I gotta do this. I feel like Halloween has left me. I need to get back together with it.

Oh, yes. I will be finally tying the knot with my "ol man" around the beginning of May. I don't want a big wedding or a big party after the wedding. I'm keeping this simple and small, tiny and wee. I like things to be not a big deal. I know getting married is a huge deal, but I don't need something huge and ridiculous for it to be a huge deal with me. Paul, my fiance, is the same way, we both agree that it needs to be small and simple. We have the perfect place for a wedding, right here at our home in WV! We are surrounded by beautiful mountains. I couldn't think of a better place that's more fitting for the both of us hillbillies. It's going to be low cost, but still very pretty and nice. I won't have many real flowers, if any. And we'll be making the food ourselves. The only thing I can see costing anything is seats and tables, if someone doesn't already have that. His uncle will hopefully marry us, and other than the  marriage license and our clothes, we will not be spending much moolah.

So, as a wrap up, I have a butt load of work to be doing. And I'm sitting here, blogging. I don't even have people that comment on my blogs, yet, I blog. I hope one day, some people will be like "Damn, that's a good blog. I gotta read this girl's stuff all the time, and I would like to make some comments as well. Maybe even share ideas with her!" I'm hopeful.

Until next time,
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie

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