Saturday, November 30, 2013

Craft show skip out.

I skipped out on the craft show folks. I had less items than I was comfortable with. I didn't have nearly enough Christmas stuff, and I didn't have enough "cheaper" items. See, I don't think you should sell yourself short. If you make something, if you take your hands, your brain and your talent and put it all to good hard work, and you actually create something, it's worth a lot more than a few bucks. It may take the right buyer, but hold on to it until you get what your time, skill, love and work is worth. It's worth more than just getting the money back on supplies. It's worth more than minimum wage an hour. It's worth blood, sweat and tears dammit! And I love my makes. I love every single one. That's why I decided to make them. I'm proud of them all. Even the ones that were just mess arounds and try outs. That's how you get to your best. You try things out. Now, I don't like to stick to just one thing. I like to make things with my hands, if it's hair pins, sculpting out little birds, painting, building rta jewelry boxes, casting resin, crocheting, any other needle work, or digging in the dirt. I try my best, and I'm not very good at most of that stuff. But I like it. I want to get better. I want other people to like it. No. I want other people to LOVE it. I want people asking me to make specific things, because  they know I'd do a fantastic job. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to devote more time to my craft. I'm not going to rush through anything anymore... with the exception of the Christmas present I'm working on. It has to be done soon. It will turn out beautifully though. I know it will, because I'm making it for my mommy. =) So I'm not selling myself short. I expect big things to happen with my crafts. I want to be the best I can be. My prices are fair. As  a consumer, please consider the time and skill that goes into each project. Please understand that the people that go balls to the wall with their skills, are passionate because they're working towards their best. They're probably putting everything they've got into each tiny sliver. I think people WANT handmade  but think it's too expensive, because they don't think about what goes into each item. If they did, they'd understand why the prices are what they are (as long as you're pricing fairly). That's not saying go bare minimum. If you know you can sell it for more, you've got to keep the ball rolling. You have to make money to resupply and pay for your time. You need to make profit. So I encourage you crafty folks out there to go balls to the wall!!

Until next time,
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Busy Bee

I had a GREAT Thanksgiving Day! It was the first in our house.  I cooked dinner from 7:30am to 1:00pm. I think that's pretty good. It was only three people. My fiance, his daddy and me. I made a small turkey breast, since I'm the only meat eater. I made Mac n cheese, tater salad, mashed taters, green bean casserole, cheddar and broccoli rice, stuffing, gravy, pumpkin pie and a chocolate dream pie. Paul Sr made the best baked beans I had ever had. They were delicious! I made my puppy dog a bowl of Turkey with gravy and mashed taters. He gobbled it up! I was so happy when I was done cooking. I took a nap after dinner! I earned that nap! Then I started working on my crocheted works. I have a table at the craft show tomorrow. I'm so excited! I hope to sell all of my stuff! But if that doesn't happen I'll be okay. I really just want to sell SOMETHING, and pass out some business cards tomorrow. Maybe get some customers and friends. That's what would make me happy. 
Christmas is just around the corner folks!!!! I hope you're getting all of your shopping done. I hope to get all my Christmas crocheting done in time. I've got a few on. One big one, and a few that aren't so big. But I'm sure I wot have any problems getting these things done. 
Until next time,

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dream Catchers and Tea.

A few months ago I happened upon a picture of a dream catcher. It was made with a doiley and some ribbons and trimmings. I immediately felt like I had to make one. It was going to happen. I just needed to figure it out. So here's what I did. I spent a few weeks searching for a doiley pattern I couldn't live without... didn't find one. So I decided it wasn't going to be made with a doiley. I was going to make it with something else. Like a motif for a sweater or something. I couldn't find one. Then it hit me. I'm going to be crocheting over glass ornaments for the craft show. I found a pattern I kinda liked and wanted to spring off of in my Crochet Today magazine for Nov/Dec. 2013. Tromme Balls I think.very pretty and simple. So I took that pattern, made just the bottom part a LOT bigger using cotton twine. I crocheted around a clothes hanger I formed into a circle and attached the ornament pattern to that. It looks really cool just like that. But I needed to add pretty things to make it complete. I used twine I got from Family Dollar and its beige. So I wanted to keep it kinda vintage looking. Well, I have this huge bag full of old zippers and hem tape and lace and trimmings. Just a bunch of old stuff. And by old I mean from '68-'89. So I cut that stuff into various lengths, added some beads and buttons to the mix and tied it all to the part of the circle that I twisted together. It hides the lumps very nicely. Here's what I need up with.

I hung it up in the kitchen window to get a picture with light, but ridding turn out too well.  Either way, you get the idea. I LOVE my dream catcher. I'm making smaller ones now, different center. I'm aiming to sell them. I'll post them on etsy after Christmas... probably. Any questions, just ask!!!! 
Until next time,
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Christmas Pattern!!!!!! Free!!

This is a pattern for a super easy star ornament I made this morning. 
I used redheart super saver in white, and a G (4.0mm) hook.
You can use wire or ribbon or yarn to hang these from your tree, or make garland. I'm going to make a few garlands in different colors and a bunch for ornaments, for the craft show at the end of the month. 
They take just a few minutes and are super cute!!!! 

Ch 4 sl st in first ch from hook to form ring.
Ch 3, counts as first dc of cluster st, finish cluster st, *ch 2, cluster st. Five times. Join w/ sl st at top of first cluster
*Ch 3, sc in ch2 sp. Sc in next cluster st. join with sl st in last sc. 
*Ch 3, 2dc in ch 3 sp. Pivot, ch 3 sc in next sc, sc next sc, join with sl st in last sc. Finish off, weave in ends, attach ornament hook.

If I goofed it up, just let me know and I'll get back with us asap!!!!

Until next time,
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie

Friday, November 8, 2013

Craft Bazaar!!! I'll be there!!!

Yes, you read the subject line correctly! It's my very first craft show!!! I'm so excited and freaked out! It's a small one, I think. I've not been here in town when there's a craft show going on. I'm crocheting plenty of Christmas stuff, plenty of things that aren't Christmas related, and I'll be making stuff that's not crochet! I hope I have enough to fill up my table and make lots of sales!!! I ordered business cards! I'll be like an official business lady! Aren't you so proud Mom?! I need to really make sure I have a bit of everything I make. Not just crochet stuff. This is the first time people at  going to be able to see a display of my craft! That's like throwing yourself to the wolves! What the Hell am I doing?! Judgment, criticism, rejection and being over looked. Biggest fears. Whoa. I'm scared to death.

So setting up and preparing for a craft show is something I've never done before. I have quite a few items I've made just laying around the house, and put away. But I don't want to just put ANYTHING on my table. I want my best. I've got to make sure  everything is completed and all my ends are weaved in. All my edges are trimmed and all my stuff looks perfect. I understand there's going to be people that aren't going to like my stuff. I get that... but I hope there's more people that love my stuff!!! I need this real break to get this thing going. I hope to make clients and friends. If I come out of this with two sales and have met a bunch of great artists and crafters, then I think I have succeeded. I know not one person here that's not related to my Paul. I love his family, they're amazing people. I'm not complaining. I just don't know anyone else. I'm hoping to find someone that can show me the ropes. If they talk, I listen. I want t know as much as I possibly can!

I know I haven't posted any pictures of the leaves changing.. I'm sorry, but they all fell off before they turned. We had a hard freeze and everything was gone the next day. I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures posted. I'll do better next fall. Hopefully by then, I'll have a really good camera. My kindle doesn't do pictures unless I'm taking pictures.of myself. It's not good for that. So I have to use my phone, and it takes terrible pictures. Anyway.. I have a lot of work to do in 23 days.

Until next time,
Tonya @WoollyGhoulie