Monday, September 30, 2013


It's here!! Well, tomorrow it will be here. HALLOWEEN!!!!!!! Yep, Halloween is an entire month long!!!!! So, what's your plans? Have you already decorated your home? Have you made your creepy costume yet?! What are  you dressing up as?! I want to know!!!!!! I had been pokin around on some sites for creepy things to crochet for Halloween, and I found some really neat things. There's loads of Halloween ornaments to hang on your Halloween tree! I will be making those little ornaments, but I'll put my own twist on them. I found a really cool pattern from REDHEART for garland. Here's the site for that!
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It's an affordable awesome decoration that I plan on leaving up all year long. I'm really excited about this month! I think October should be SCARY!!! Forget about all the cute sweet and sexy costumes. Halloween isn't suppose to be cute and sweet and sexy. It's suppose to be scary and creepy! Unless of course you're a baby and you look adorable in that little lion costume. Lions can be scary! I just think we should try to bring the creepy and scary back into Halloween. There should be one month out of every year where we dress like monsters, decorate our yards to look like abandoned houses, and have a good time doin it!!
Scary and creepy. That's what it's all about. Oh, and candy!
 Okay, one of my favorite sites for Halloween costumes, ornaments and other little things
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Lionbrand has an amazing collection of Halloween patterns. I've also been digging around on Pinterest for sewing ideas and there's a lot, too many to pick and list. So I'm being lazy.
I'd love to read about any ideas you have for Halloween!! Post them below in the comments section and I'll reply!!!!

Until next time,

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