Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ever use crafting to get through some things?

I do. Everyday, actually. Crochet is my go-to when I'm down. It has helped get me through my dad dying. It's the counting, I think. You get in a rhythm, and you just crochet the crap out of that yarn! You have to be careful though. You crochet when you're too upset, you're liable to end up with something that's crocheted so tight, it's warped. Then you gotta frog it! I guess that would be a good way to get some anger out! 

So crafting keeps my mind busy. Almost busy enough where I don't think about things  constantly. My fiance and I have been pretty busy with rummage sales and Goodwill. We're what you call Goodwill Pickers. We pick and sell things on etsy, or ebay. That helps to keep my mind off of things. But, it's the long rides in the truck that get me sometimes. When you have time that you're not doing something with your hands, it hits you, and it sucks. 

Crocheting, cross stitching, sewing and upcycling stuff is what keeps my mind a safer place. Losing my daddy has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I NEED crafting, to help keep my mind off of things that bring me down. It's such a positive way to help with depression. You get something out of it. You get the finished product, the satisfaction that YOU created that awesomeness, and a few moments of a peace, if you're lucky. 

Healing your heart and mind doesn't happen with a finished lapghan or a shawl. But crafting, creating and working can help a whole lot. I think that if there's someone that has been an impact on your crafting and creating ability, it can bring you closer to that person emotionally. Every time I hammer a nail or sand down a piece of wood, I can't help but to think of my daddy, and how proud of me he would be. It makes me feel so much better. 

So in my conclusion, I believe that being creative is the best thing for a sad heart. It doesn't make it ever go away. It just helps to deal with things a little better. And it can help with self-esteem issues too. You create something bad ass, and someone compliments you on it, hell yeh!! You're an amazing artist!!! So craft people!! Create!!! Get through all that bad crap going on!!! Help yourself, and everyone else around you. 

Until next time,

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