Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Results for Resin Castin' Motha'!!!!!

So here are my casts!!! They both came out very easily this morning. I'll do a recap! 
Yesterday I did my first resin epoxy casting, the blue anchor. 
Then I got  out the other mold, the flowers, and decided to try another attempt. Just to see if there would be different results. I haven't done this by Easy Casts standards. I haven't used their cast release spray. I haven't used their pigments. But I swear that Easy Cast is amazing. 
Anyway, what I did use for a release was cooking spray with the blue anchor. It works. It creates a barrier between the mold and the resin. It released very easily. Perfect for that. But, I'm not crazy about the matte finish. I don't want to buff these casts or have to do much sanding. Sanding around the edges is fine, but other than that, I'd rather not have to mess with the cast too much. 
As for the flowers, I used a silicone spray. It said that it protects rubber and so on and so forth, so I figured I'd give it a shot on the back of the mold first. It worked, so I casted some flowers. They turned out shiney. Just what I wanted.  
I used eye shadows to color the resin epoxy. As you can see, it works! It doesn't just work.. it works WONDERFULLY!!! 
Now, these casts haven't cured completely yet. They take about 73 hour for a complete cure. I popped them out of the molds with no problem, but they're still a little soft. So before in use these for anything, I'll let them set for another two days. 
I know it sounds like it takes forever, but you can't mess with perfection. I don't see any reason to search around for a different resin epoxy. I'm happy with my results and I don't mind the curing process. 
So, I have a LOT of casting to get done today, folks. I'm excited! And I have to get to work. I'm going to try a few things like a multi color casting. =) Wish me luck!!!!
Until next time,

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