Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Simple Ruffle Fingerless Gloves

I have created these cute, simple gloves to sell in my shop.
I added the bow to give them something extra. I made them from Wool Ease by Lionbrand yarn. The cuff, I used the ribbed stitch, you crochet in the back loops only. I then crocheted a ruffle, I just used hdc's, and increased as I went, to create the ruffles. I fastened off, cleaned up the ends, and the attached to the base of the ruffle stitches. I just sc each row until I got the the thumb part, then I just turned at the end of each row and made that big enough for the thumb to fit through. Once I got that part done, I just chained the same amount of stitches that I started with, and continued until I was happy with the length. Then there yarn go. That's the way I made the fingerless gloves. I'm a huge fan of fingerless gloves. I don't wear them very much, because I like my fingers to be warm too. So gloves it is. I will be making some mittens though. I have some yarn I think would make pretty mittens. I'll post those when I'm done. 
I have been trying to get the house organized, so I haven't done much crocheting. I will be getting my hands back in the yarn again tonight. There's a few things I'm working on, but I want to learn some new things. Tapestry crochet is something that's REALLY sparking my interest. I'm wanting to learn Tunisian crochet really well too. I have the idea of it down, but I'm not very good at it. As I understand, it's kind of like knitting. Maybe I'll get better at knitting once I figure it out! Then who knows?! All the yarn in the world won't be enough!!!! Bahahahahahahaha!!!!! 
Alright, until next time,

P.S. don't forget to go check out my other blog, and my etsy shop!!!!! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Here I go again!!!

I started working on the blanket I'm making for my mom. It's my take on little woollies pattern for her mixed stitch blanket. I have taken some of the stitches she used and left some out. I am using worsted weight yarn from redheart. I'm using nine different colors. Here's what it is starting to look like
 The last seven rows were worked last night. I figure if I add at least that much every night, I can get this thing done within the month!!!!! Gosh, I sure hope I get it done before her birthday in September! 
I think my favorite part of this so far is the bobble stitch rows. They take a bit longer for me to crochet, because I'm not used to carrying another color as I go, but it's fun! It's different and I can always go for something different. That is my progress. It's taking me so long because I needed a break. I kept messing up and I was getting VERY frustrated with it. Well, I have it all figured out as far as the stitches I'm using, and now I'm back in action.

I'm working on another blanket, also. But it isn't anything I'm posting yet until I completely finish it, and see how ugly it is before I decide if I'm sharing it or not. See, there was a bunch of ugly yarn I hadn't been using because I couldn't figure out what I could use it for. It's worsted weight, the colors are kinda old looking, like they've been stuck in an attic for years, and kinda itchy.  One day, Paul asked me to make another blanket because the one I made earlier, his toes poke through the holes. Now, this isn't anything you use in bed, it's just something to cover up with on the couch. And he likes his feet covered up, toes too. So I decided I'd take all the yarn I couldn't figure out what to do with, and make an ugly blanket. Turns out, he really likes it so far. He doesn't mind the colors and thinks they go great together. So its working  out just fine. If I like it at the end, I'll post it. =) until then, I need to get back to work.

Until next time,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The finished product

It seems like it took me FOREVER to finish this scarf.

 I really wanted to make it, but I just couldn't get it it in gear. Well, I finished it last night with what looks like a pom pom edge, but it's a cluster stitch. Like I've posted before, I used Cascade Yarns Cherub DK IN natural, silver, ruby and peacock. I ordered my yarns for the last two scarves from Craftsy. They run awesome sales, a lot, so sign up for the newsletters.  The delivery seems to be pretty efficient. I've not had any issues with anything except ordering colors. They don't always have all of the colors listed, so when you find them, make sure you order plenty for your projects. 
Now, I used just a hdc in granny stitch, and I didn't chain one between each set of three hdcs.  I figured that might take care.of my curling in on the ends, but it didn't. I think it's my chain threes. I'll figure it out. Either way, this is absolutely one of my most favorite scarves. If it doesn't sell, I might keep it, or give it as a gift. It's just really pretty and soft. I hope you enjoy it! I'll be getting back to work on the blanket for my Momma, and the blanket for Paul I'm in the middle of. It's not very pretty, but I'll post it when it's done. 
Until next time,

Friday, January 10, 2014

Update on the scarf!

This is the edging I'm using on the latest triangle scarf. I found it on Pinterest. I knew I wanted to use it on something, but couldn't figure out what I wanted use it on. I also couldn't figure out what I wanted  to finish it up with. So, I was looking and looking, going back and forth on what edge I wanted, didn't know If I as going to use an edge, I just wasn't sure. Then I tried it out, kinda liked it, and decided to go with it. =) I'm not finished yet. But as soon as I do, I'll post it. I really like this scarf. It's soft and drapes really well. It's kinda thin, but not too thin. I used Cascade Yarns Cherub Dk yarn. So its still going to be warm, but to too bulky.
I will be getting back to my other projects once this is done, but I do need to be taking some serious etsy time, and post everything I've got to post. It's a lot. I'll post and share when I've done that.
So, have any of you been working on anything crafty this year?? If so, tell me about it and post pictures. I'd love to read about it! Maybe we can work on a washcloth swap or something of that nature.
Until next time,

Thursday, January 2, 2014

My second blog.

I have my second blog set up! It's about my doll collection. Here's a link to it!!!! WoollyGhoulie Collects I hope to feature my collection of dolls and action figures and ones I dont have but really like!!!! I'm sure there are some people that aren't going to dig the whole doll collecting, but that's okay. I don't mind! So go read my blog!! =)
Until next time,

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Its a new year, folks.

I'm not making any resolutions! Nope, because I always break them. It's pointless. So instead, here's what I will do! I will live life to the best o  my ability. I really do need to get off my ads more often. I want a bike! But I'm not counting on it. I will be working on my craft more. I've already said that. And I've been doing that. I'm going to be getting out of my pajamasalmost every day. =)

Here's what I've been working on this week. It's taking me FOREVER. I don't know if it's because I haven't felt good, or because I have a few other things I've been working on. I ordered some yarn for myself for Christmas, from Craftsy. They've had some awesome sales going on. So I've taken advantage of that a couple times. So here's a look-see

I highly recommend this yarn. It's Cascade Yarns in Cherub DK weight. I'm using two natural, two ruby, two silver and one peacock. I LOVE the peacock and wish I had ordered a bunch more. Now it's not available through Craftsy, and I don't really want to pay any more than the sale price. So I'm just using the peacock sparingly through this shawl. I'm obsessed with triangle scarves/shawls. I like that there are so many ways to wear them. So I've made one already. I posted it a couple weeks ago.  Now I'm working on this one. I will probably be selling this in my etsy shop. I've been neglecting it lately, an  I have plenty to post. So one day this coming week will be a complete etsy day. I'll post that when I've done it. Maybe you'll see something in there that you can't live without, or want in different colors or something. I'm willing to work!!!!! Just tell me what you want!!!!

Oh, by the way... I've been collecting Lalaloopsy dolls for a bit now, as I've posted before. And there's so many that I love, and my collection has grown a LOT since October. So I will be starting a new blog about my collection of dolls. It won't be just lalaloopsy dolls. I have a couple of other things I have, and different from th  lalaloopsy dolls. I'll post about that here to. It will include the clothes I'll be making for them, and hopefully selling, and customizations to them and other dolls. I'll take you on the journey that brought me to collecting dolls. So as soon as I get that going, I'll let us know. And even if you aren't into dolls, you can see some of the projects I'll be working on. So I hope you'll read and follow both of my blogs, and shop my etsy shop when I get it all posted!!!!

Until next time,