Monday, May 26, 2014

Crocheting in the sun

Hi folks,
Today, I'm crocheting with some yarn that was given to me by Paul's mother. She goes to Goodwill and yard sales, and when she see's it, she buys it for me. So does her cousin. Very nice and considerate of them. So I was thinking about how they give me yarn. I would like to give one of you something.
So here's what I want. I want my blog to get at least a few people that reply and comment and share on here. I would love to actually have some feedback. So, I figure the only way to get people's attention is to give something away.

Within the next few days, I will be done working on these face wash cloths, and then I'll be making new ones. I have a few cute ideas for the one's I'm working on now. I will not be telling what that is, because I want that to be a surprise. I also want to leave you hanging by a thread. The day I finish these, I will post that they're done. Here's what I want you to do, if you want to get a set of face wash cloths for free. I want you to post in the comment section something that you've made for someone, or someone has made for you as a gift. It doesn't have to have a certain theme, or anything to that. Just something handmade that you gave or received as a gift. If there's more than one entry, I'll pick a winner using the number in the hat drawing method.

If you have any friends that craft, share this with them. I'd love to have more than one entry on drawing day!!!! Let's make this fun, folks!!!! Let's have some fun!!! If this goes well, maybe then I can get the swap going!

Stay tuned and share!!! SHARE SHARE SHARE!!!!! Remember, Just a few days and I'll be posting that these are done!!! Then someone will win a set of handmade face wash cloths!!!

Until next time,

Friday, May 23, 2014

Let's do a SWAP!!!!

Mornin' folks! Today is a grocery day and I'm up and at it earlier than normal. So my brain usually isn't in full function mode until around 9am. But this morning, I had got up, hopped in the shower and got dressed and I'm ready to go. I'm sitting here, wondering what I could do to get this blog hoppin'. I have an IDEA! I want to put together a wash cloth swap. Now, there's obviously going to be problems doing so, if I can't get anyone to swap with me.

Here's what I'm thinking. Make a set of three face wash cloths. Package them up nicely, maybe even put a bow on them, and swap those with someone else who has made face wash cloths. Maybe if this thing get's kicked off on the right foot, we can do one a month. Heck, two a month! I think it's a great way for me to get to know you just a tiny bit, since I have no idea who actually reads this blog. I love crocheting and would love to see what someone else comes up with as far as something so simple as face wash cloths.

So, here's the big question... Is there anyone out there that may want to participate? I plan on making a few sets of face wash cloths and posting them on eBay soon. But I think this could be fun, and a great way to meet some people around the country.

If you happen to think this could be a good idea, and want to participate, just comment below. Share this post to get more people in on it! The more people that get in on this, the more we could all get out craft out there.

Until next time,

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Some Ebay and Gardening!

Hey folks!
I have a couple items posted on eBay. I'm trying out the ol' eBay thing, because apparently I haven't been able to get my stuff out there on Etsy enough. Sharing my stuff on Twitter and Tumblr only gets me veiws with Etsy. Maybe someone will start buying if it's posted on eBay.  There are two of the dream catchers on there. If you have any questions, just ask. We'll answer you as soon as we can. Also, if you have anything you want me to make, that's similar to them, I'd be more than happy to do my best to accommodate your request. I have plenty of supplies and time.
How is your Spring going so far? I've been doing plenty of yard work and planting. I love digging in the dirt and watching things grow and bloom and turn into beautiful plants. I have some poppies planted right up front. I have to say, they're my favorites right now. The red ones are astonishing and the pink and orange ones are just so pretty. I'm excited about the peonies I have planted. I can't wait for them to bloom. I also planted some dahlias. They're doing great and completely loaded down with blooms. Everything's looking lovely! I have a garden of sunflowers next to the house, and they're just little babies right now. As soon as they bloom, I'll post pictures. Sunflowers are special to me and I absolutely love them. My daddy and I used to plant them together and watch them grow into these huge yellow flowers, and eat the seeds! I'm missing my daddy a whole lot with all the gardening I've been doing. We always had a garden. It keeps me feeling close to him.
If you have any gardening going on, crafting or anything of the like, I'd love to hear about it!! Share your pictures and advice!!!
Until next time,
Tonya @Woollyghoulie
Follow me on Twitter @Woollyghoulie!!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Buttons Galore!!

I have recently purchased a BUNCH of buttons. Here's a look see:
The reason for this is... A button purse!!! I made my mom one a few years ago and it turned out awesome. She made it a bit smaller than I did, because it was so heavy, but she still uses it. She's gotten a lot of compliments on it over the years, and she loves it. I sewed every button on, and I'd be willing to bet that it was well over 1,000. just buttons. I also added beads to fill in the spaces that the buttons left open. I didn't just do this once, I messed the first purse up sp bad, i had to take it all apart, every button and bead, and redo it all within two days. I did it though! My fingers were hurting so bad that I didn't want to see another button until now. So I think it's time. I'll be looking for some good sturdy material to make it with, and then I'll be on my way!!! I'll be posting to sell it once it's done. I probably will NOT use all of these buttons. The majority, yes, but not all. I have a bunch of very pretty buttons that I'd like to see on other things. But we'll see. So I'll have to keep you updated on this project! I'll give a tutorial also. :) Maybe it'll inspire someone else to make something so painful and pretty!
Until next time,
Tonya@ Woollyghoulie