Monday, August 26, 2013

So many projects, so little time

I keep talking about wanting to make hats, slippers and scarves for all of my nieces and my fiancees cousins. That's 8 girls ranging from age four to 15!!!! None of them like the same thing. Everything would have to be completely different. That calls for a lot of ideas, eight to be exact, and a butt load of yarn!!! Not to mention the time I have to do this in. Just a few months left for Christmas and fall is creeping up my doorstep as I type this out!! I have throw blankets to put together for a birthday, I have projects for my shop and still have a ton of work to do on our house! I'm not sure it could all get done in time. I could make it inexpensive, but I can't expand my time.
The teenagers I would like to get some slouch hats and fingerless gloves done. No problem there, right? Slouchy hats are hip. Fingerless gloves are hip. I like the triangle scarves, but I don't think that'd fly with the kids. Maybe just the hats and gloves. Maybe mittens for the little ones. Maybe even some ear warmers for the little ones!! I need  to make slippers for my mother and my aunt! Ahhhhh!!
It's okay.. breath. I can do this. I just need my good, trust worthy, inexpensive Super Saver yarn by Redheart and my hooks. I got this, yo. Oh! And time management. I need time management. I need it more than anything else. It's going to be a busy busy busy busy next few weeks and months.
To top it off, I have a new puppy!!!! His name is Rinks!! And he's a handful!! But I love my puppy so much!!!! He's sweet and mean and loving and mean!!! And he has bad breath, and I love it!!!
So here is my plan: work on hats, gloves, slippers, ear warmers, scarves (maybe) and mittens! And everything else I have to get done.
Until next time..
follow me on Pinterest, Twitter and tumblr @woollyghoulie

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