Thursday, August 29, 2013

Going Crosseyed Over Cross Stitching

I have been doing cross stitch for a collective year... maybe. And I haven't figured out how to keep my back clean. It looks like a hot mess. So I did some reading(because I didn't do any research on how things are done BEFORE I started cross stitching), and found a few techniques to work with, to kinda find my find my niche. Here's a couple places I went to to get some info:

Hopefully these sites will help you! I also got some books a while ago to give me some cool modern ideas on something that's such an old craft. My most favorite one is Twisted Stitches by Phil Davison. That book has 30 creepy, scary and wonderfully twisted patterns for the creepy, scary and wonderfully twisted person! I'm working on the pig. Get that book and learn to cross stitch!!! It's frickin great!!
I also wanted to get into hand embroidery. has a bunch of awesome patterns, kits and anything else you could possibly want and need for hand embroidery. Her books are extremely informative. The patterns are adorable and modern, with a vintage twist. The woman has great ideas!!! Go to the site, learn some things, get some books, get a kit or two, and embroider until your fingers cramp up! You can embroider on almost ANYTHING. Cross stitch too! As a matter of fact, for all of you hip iPhone users, there are cases that you can cross stitch on! I wanted an iPhone just for that reason. I don't even have cell phone reception here at home. That just proves that you can cross stitch the world, folks. Oh!!!! I have a great idea!! Cross stitch bombing!! You know how people yarn bomb, and photo bomb, and any other sort of art bombing. I wonder if it's ever been done?!!  And just to make it clear, for any people thinking I'm some sort of bombing maniac, I don't condone violence.
So, I have been working on a little cross stitch cat. It came in a kit, and its kind of a country themed cat. I hope it turns out neat. Yeah, I have two cross stitching projects going on. I also have received a large canvas that's been started already. It's called  crewel stitching. That thing is too intimidating for me right now. I might just put that in the closet for a day I run out of projects. I'll get to it... maybe when I'm 80.
So go check out the sites, the books and get creative. Maybe even make your own pattern with one of the free pattern makers online. Here's one for you to check out!!!
Until next time,

Monday, August 26, 2013

So many projects, so little time

I keep talking about wanting to make hats, slippers and scarves for all of my nieces and my fiancees cousins. That's 8 girls ranging from age four to 15!!!! None of them like the same thing. Everything would have to be completely different. That calls for a lot of ideas, eight to be exact, and a butt load of yarn!!! Not to mention the time I have to do this in. Just a few months left for Christmas and fall is creeping up my doorstep as I type this out!! I have throw blankets to put together for a birthday, I have projects for my shop and still have a ton of work to do on our house! I'm not sure it could all get done in time. I could make it inexpensive, but I can't expand my time.
The teenagers I would like to get some slouch hats and fingerless gloves done. No problem there, right? Slouchy hats are hip. Fingerless gloves are hip. I like the triangle scarves, but I don't think that'd fly with the kids. Maybe just the hats and gloves. Maybe mittens for the little ones. Maybe even some ear warmers for the little ones!! I need  to make slippers for my mother and my aunt! Ahhhhh!!
It's okay.. breath. I can do this. I just need my good, trust worthy, inexpensive Super Saver yarn by Redheart and my hooks. I got this, yo. Oh! And time management. I need time management. I need it more than anything else. It's going to be a busy busy busy busy next few weeks and months.
To top it off, I have a new puppy!!!! His name is Rinks!! And he's a handful!! But I love my puppy so much!!!! He's sweet and mean and loving and mean!!! And he has bad breath, and I love it!!!
So here is my plan: work on hats, gloves, slippers, ear warmers, scarves (maybe) and mittens! And everything else I have to get done.
Until next time..
follow me on Pinterest, Twitter and tumblr @woollyghoulie

Sunday, August 25, 2013

According to Matt...: Crochet O'clock Tutorial

This is one great idea!!! I love this! I never thought about crocheting a clock! You can crochet ANYTHING!!!!!!!
According to Matt...: Crochet O'clock Tutorial: Well... I kind of disappeared from Blogland for a tad longer than usual...but I'm back with a little something to share with you ...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's almost over!!

   Well, folks, it's almost over. It's almost time to put out your fall decorations and break out your warmer clothes!! Yay!!!! This means it's time to get bustin' butt to get some fall and winter items done and posted. It also means it's almost time for bonfires and hotdog roasts!!! But best of all, the leaves are changing, the air smells and feels cleaner, you can wear your boots and eat soup!!
   I have acquired some wreaths that need some serious makeovers. I have a few that are that pine needle stuff, and a few grapevine ones. I'm more interested in the  grapevine ones. I won't be selling these on my etsy shop. They'll be gifted out or I'll hoard them, depending on how they turn out. I have an idea that includes paper flowers, hot glue gun, straight pins, velvet ribbons and lots of buttons. If you could swim around  in my mind, I'm sure you'd agree it's a great idea. I will post these wreaths as I finish them. Unfortunately (not for me!!), right now, I have a ton of crocheting to get done. So it might take a few weeks. But the wreaths will be done!!
   As for the leaves changing, I will definitely be posting pictures of that! See, I live in a prime area for fantastic fall scenery. I live in the mountains of West By God Virginia, and we go on mini road trips occasionally. There's a place called Hawks Nest here. It is absolutely one of the most beautiful places any time of the year, but my favorite is Fall. There's a hiking path I'm dying to venture out on. One of these days, folks.. One of these days. You can walk to the lookout point and see the river from above and its breath taking. The view of the mountains with the river running between them, the colors of the leaves, just absolutely breath taking!!
  I have a few ideas for some crocheted tops and scarves. Scarves seem to be so boring to me anymore. I have to find a way to spice it up when it comes to a scarf. Something that I would want. I'm not a granny, but I love the granny stitch. It's simple, versatile and classic. There are many things you can make with the granny stitch. I subscribed to Crochet Today a while ago, and for the summer edition there was a pattern for swimming suit shorts. They were made with four granny squares and the rest was just basic stitching. Pretty easy, and very cute. I thought it was a good way to make a classic stitch very modern. There's tops, scarves, mittens and hats that are really pretty and neat that are crocheted in the granny stitch. I have some ideas that I'm very excited to get started on. I'll be posting those to sell in my etsy shop, but I will definitely be sharing them with you, here.
   I've been working on upcycling old Home Interior or Homco stuff lately. It's easy to do, and it has been turning out very well. Scrap materials, paint and a hot glue gun can go an awful long way. You just need an imagination to put it together. That stuff will also be posted  in my etsy shop!!
   This is going to be a very eventful fall/winter for me. I have a million and ten projects to get done! I have to stock up my shop and finish working on this house! I better get to work!!
Until next time!! Have a crafty day!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Back in action, folks.

Okay. I fell out of touch. I moved. And not only did I move, but I moved where there is no cell phone signals. How does one survive this you ask? Holy crap, I love it! It's the best thing we could have ever done. We moved into my fiances childhood home, and we're fixing it up ourselves, with the help of his handy dandy father. So that's what I've been doing for the last few months. But back to craftin it up. I have started dabbling in upcycling stuff other than clothes. Homco, Berwood and whatever else you want to call that old Home Interior stuff, it's fun to work with, and super simple. I found a knitted mini skirt at the goodwill that I turned into a purse. It's going great! There's a few projects I have ideas for but I haven't started yet. I'm working on my etsy shop. I want to reform it. Make it more my style, rather than everyone else's. I figured since this is what I'm doing for a living, and doing it to be happy, I should do it to be happy. It makes things work better.
I have a new puppy. His name is Rinks, and he's a little fuzzy ball of meanness! I love his little cute face though! It's hard to get mad at him for biting my toes when he's just so freaking cute.  I love my critters. =) We have two cats, Pootie and Bobby, we have two sugar gliders, Waylon and Willie, and Rinks, our puppy. The cats haven't been mean to RINKS! I was dreading them smacking him and hurting him, but they just sniff and run!! It's great!

You should visit my etsy shop!