Sunday, April 21, 2013

Juicing?! What?!

That's right.. I'm fat and slow. I'd like to be slim and fast. So there's this juicing fast that I'm going to start tomorrow morning. 30 to start out. We'll see how I feel after that. Wish me luck! I love coca-cola!!!!

My amazing scarf or shawl. Whatev.

This is it! I made it and am VERY proud of it. Its made with Amazing Lion Brand yarn. ;) it turned out AMAZING!!! HA! so its got a scalloped edge around it to give it a lil bit extra. The colors are so purdy!! If it doesn't sell on my etsy shop, and the listing expires, I will not be depleting it. Ill be wearing it myself :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

How i do.

I've been working on a lapghan for a bit. I got the pattern from the Crochet Today magazine. I love the looks of it. But I swear I'll be making those hexagons in my dreams.
Anywho, if there's ever anyone that follows this. I'd love input!!

Hippie bag

This is a consigned project I worked on. Here's what they told me.. "make it hippie. She's a hippie and she's tiny." Well, I ready somewhere that tiny women should carry smaller bags and larger women should have larger bags. So... I made it large enough to fit over my head. Then I decided to make it a crossbody bag. And from the reactions in the pictures I saw, it was a huge hit. Thankfully. I didn't like the way it turned out and I questioned whether or not to sell it in the state of ugly it was in.

Sugar skull ski mask!

This is a crocheted skimask I've been debating on how to finish it up. I don't know if I should crochet appliques or make the out of felt. Help!!!

Hooded cowl done in Homespun yarn.

I made this freehand. I had nothing but my imagination and trial and error. I love how it turned out though!

Wooly Ghoulie has arrived.

I doubt that I have immediate followers. But maybe one day I'll have a few. 
My name is Tonya! As of right now I am 29 years old. I have recently opened up a shop on Etsy. The link will be posted at the bottom. I have posted some beaded jewelry and crocheted projects that I have done.
I have created this blog so maybe I could help people with their projects and maybe I could get help with mine!!!
Maybe share ideas, pictures and advice. Info on your areas craft shows or flea-markets. Maybe even sales in local shops or online shops. 
Whatever a blog is, I'd love to do that plus some. =)

my etsy shop is located here